KDLC News Jan.19 2023

January 19, 2023

In this newsletter:

  1. Jan. 21: Protest Bill 23
  2. Jan. 22: Kingston Women’s March
  3. New KDLC executive
  4. Jan. 22: OFL “Enough is Enough” planning meeting
  5. News briefs
  6. KDLC meetings, dates, contact information

1. Protest Bill 23

“Come take your authority back to protect the wetlands, Greenbelt and affordable housing in an action to repeal Bill 23 at Minister of Housing Steve Clark’s Constituency Office”

Saturday, January 21, noon-1pm, 100 Strowger Boulevard, Brockville

Free Bus to Brockville: Leaves Kingston 10:30am from Memorial Centre, returns 2pm
Book a seat: Jeremy.Milloy@chco.ca

2. Kingston Women’s March

“Standing united with those fighting for equality & reproductive justice worldwide”

Sunday, January 22, noon-2pm, Confederation Park, Kingston

3. New Kingston & District Labour Council Executive

At KDLC’s January 16 General Meeting, new executive members were elected.

The position of 2nd Vice President remains vacant.

Here is our new 2023 executive:

President (2023-2025): Janet Heyman (OPSEU)
1st Vice President (2023-2025): Steve Garrison (OECTA)
2nd Vice President (2022-2024): Vacant
Treasurer (2022-2024): Jordan Morelli (QUFA)
Secretary (2023-2025): Kim Bell (CUPE 1302)
Sgt at Arms (2022-2024): Julia Lynch (CUPE 109-retired)


2022-2024: Justyna Szewczyk (PSAC 901)
2022-2024: Jessamyn Samson (ETFO)
2023-2025: Jillann Rothwell (CUPE 2202)
2023-2025: Dianne Clarabut  (OPSEU 497)


2022-2024: John Holmes (QUFA-retired)
2023-2025: Chris Snooks (UNDE-PSAC)

4. “Enough is Enough” OFL planning meeting

January 22, 3pm, zoom

Ontario Federation of Labour planning meeting to address the cost-of-living crisis.

Zoom connection details: https://ofl.zoom.us/j/82048948363?pwd=a2FZc2FWRWNxU25HM29vR3pubnJFUT09

5. News briefs

  • The Kingston Frontenac Public Library has a new Board: https://www.kfpl.ca/about-the-library/library-board-and-management
  • The Queen’s University Faculty Association and university administration entered conciliation on January 17. An 82% strike mandate was delivered on December 22. Nearly 1,100 of the union’s 1,200 members voted.
  • New research by the KFL&A Public Health estimates 1 in 9 households across the region struggle with poverty-driven “food insecurity”. KFL&A Public Health says healthy food costs $1099/month for a family of four, $804 for a single parent with two children, and $400 for a single person.
  • On January 10, Kingston City Council voted to delay the demolition/eviction of the tent city at Belle Park until March 21.

6. KDLC meetings, dates, contact information

Next General Meeting: Monday, February 13, 7pm
More details to come

Next KDLC News email: February 3
Please send event listings to kingstonlabourcouncil@gmail.com before January 31

All official correspondence:
Please email kingstonlabourcouncil@gmail.com

Statement from the Canadian Labour Congress: Standing united against U.S. tariff threats

January 17, 2025
Click to open the link


December 20, 2024
Click to open the link

Migrant workers in Canada deserve access to permanent residency and citizenship

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Click to open the link